

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Time to 'lock shields' at Anfield

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Liverpool: Beaten at Palace on Sunday

Liverpool: Beaten at Palace on Sunday

Liverpool FanZoner Rich Garnett says it's time for the players to 'lock shields' at Anfield and dig in to get the club out of their slump.

When you've only scored 15 league goals it's because Luis Suarez has left and Daniel Sturridge is injured.

When your goal difference is minus three it's because the defence has not gelled yet.

When you lose four games on the trot in all competitions - alarm bells! alarm bells!

Where to start? At the beginning.

When Liverpool professionally dismantled Tottenham Hotspur at White Hart Lane on August 31 early fears about the Premier League runners-up suffering a hangover from their near miss were put the bed.

It turns out they were just having a day off from despair.

In truth that late summer's afternoon is the only time Liverpool have played well all season.

But November is setting the bar even lower. Played four, lost four. Two goals scored, seven conceded.

So what is the problem? Tepid upfront? Lightweight in midfield? Unsure at the back? An anxious goalkeeper? Take your pick, they're all true.

In a paradox to last season, when confidence ran through the side like an infectious trend, Liverpool are a nervous wreck on a turgid run that shows no sign of abating.

Even a miserable home defeat to Burnley at the weekend won't stop Mark Hughes from rubbing his hands at the thought of Stoke coming to Anfield on Saturday.

To make matters worse, Liverpool barely have time to lick their wounds before heading off to Bulgaria for a must-win Champions League encounter against Ludogorets.

It looks like a tricky match, but so did the last one and so does the one after. Liverpool don't look like winning and it's going to take something collective to change that.

Unsurprisingly, Brendan Rodgers has come in for a lot of flack with deficiencies highlighted all over the park.

Simon Mignolet has been poor but has no real challenge to his position. Dejan Lovren looks more like a rabbit in headlights than a defensive lynchpin.

The back four changes nearly every game but the only thing certain is uncertainty.

Rodgers refuses to put faith in playing two strikers in the absence of Sturridge, but he signed them all. Rickie Lambert finally scored for the club after training with them for four months.

Steven Gerrard continues to play in a role that protects the back four but is easy to take out of the game leaving a vulnerable defence open to exploitation - and boy is it exploited.

This Liverpool side lacks confidence, belief and aggression. They fold in the face of adversity. They look rudderless, devoid of leaders, each soldier looking hopelessly at the next.

The latest defeat at Selhurst Park was almost inevitable the moment Crystal Palace drew level. Neil Warnock's side are mediocre at best but against a side with no fight they can be winners.

So how can Liverpool stop the rot? Simply by choosing to.

It doesn't matter how Liverpool win their next game, they just need to win it. It doesn't matter who plays in defence, they just need to defend as one. It doesn't matter who has underperformed or not lived up to expectations they just need to trust each other and play for each other.

As a former US general once said its time to lock shields. Time to take a deep intake of breath roll up the sleeves and play with a grit and determination that was only remotely evident during the honourable defeat in Madrid.

For now the swashbuckling performances of last season can be forgotten. Liverpool just need to be a team again.

Time for the supporters to back the manager, the manager to back his players and the players to back each other. The alternative is certain doom.

By Liverpool FanZoner Richard Garnett. Follow him on Twitter here, and don't forget you can follow @FanZone too!

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